As Headteacher of the School Excellence de SABARIBOUGOU (of KODENI), I bring you the end of year report of the activities 2018-2019 (01 October 2018 – 06 July 2019).
This report will be as follows:
1. Academic
2. Administrative
3. Socio-cultural and spiritual
4. Perspectives
1. Academic Report
During the school year 2018-2019, the lessons have gone well in all classes. We had the visit of the academic advisor and of the members of the inspection team of CEB BOBO II who gave us good support in our daily tasks.
As always the children underwent 7 tests of which 4 were internal to the school and 3 harmonised district tasks. The annual results are to be found in the table as an appendix.
2. Administrative Report
Preparations have been made well and seen for each school day.
The registers have been well maintained, and the attendance has been good with an overall rate of 95.85%: 5% difference with the last academic year 2017-2018.
The mail communications in both directions have worked well, on time and to the right recipient.
3. Socio-Cultural and Spiritual Report
Socially, the School has had to support several students this year as per following cases:
- Breakfast for the children who did not want to continue with school because of lack of parental finance.
- Organisation of support lessons for pupils not helped by parents.
- Organisation of prayers every Tuesday and Friday from 12.30 till 14.30: lead by Madame Pasteur BIHOUN Salimata and other Christian pupils’ parents.
Spiritually, the School has continued with the prayers of the last Wednesday of the month together with our sister school « Elite School » of LAFIABOUGOU. We also organised some morning prayers with the children together with some parents including Mr SANOU Achille ; Mme N’KAMBI Collette ; Mme BIHOUN Salimata and others whom we wish to thank.
Culturally, the School organised an inter-class match with our partners present, and a fete during the Easter holidays during which the children learnt to make masks, build huts and other objects from calendars.
The School also prepared the children for the end of school year activities together with the EBEN group specialising in drama, ballet, recital, biblical verses recitation, dialogues in English and more.
4. Perspectives
For the school year 2019-2020 the School will open the CM1 Class and so there will be 250 pupils instead of 200. Our wishes are:
- To have an outing with the pupils to go and visit RTB2, the airport, the Mairie, the Guimbi Ouattara Mausoleum for the awakening of the pupils.
- To organise a day of excellence in the School together with our sister schools
- To have a medical kit given to the School to be able to help with first degree problems.
- To give the School sporting and play facilities to help the all round blossoming of the pupils.
In conclusion, we shall say that the school year 2018-2019 went well.
We pray that the Good Lord will keep us during the holidays and allow us to start the school year 2019-2020 in good conditions.
The School Head Sabaribougou 07/07/2019